Hello, today we have three notices.
1.10/18 : WinGS Career and research talk : Global glass research authority with industrial and academic career
2.11/15: MeetUp for Global Networking
3.(Recruitment) Mentoring & Job Shadowing training for Female Reseachers
1.10/18 : WinGS Career and research talk : Global glass research authority with industrial and academic career
On Octorber 18, We will hold an open seminar by John C. Mauro, a researcher invited by SG-FResHU at the Support Office for Female Researchers.
Dr.Mauro has led a development team for new glass and glass-ceramic products, including Gorilla glass, at Corning, after obtaining a PhD in glass engineering.
He has received many international academic awards, incliding the Woldemar A. Weyl International Glass Science Award.
Since 2017, he has worked as a professor at Pennsylvania State University in a wide range of academic research fields.
In addition, he has successfully developed his career in industry and academia with maintaining a good work-life balance. In this lecture, he will introduce some ideas including “Top Ten Things I Wish I Knew at the beginning of my career”.
No prior application is required, so please feel free to come.
Click here for details↓
2.11/15: MeetUp for Global Networking
We FResHU supports the international and interdisciplinary research collaboration to strengthen women’s career advance.
We will hold a seminar to talk about the experience of Global Networking by the past winners of WinGS Global Networking Award and SG-FResHU Support .
They will be talking about knowledge gained from experience, what you devised, issues and so on.
If you are planning to start collaborative research , or if you would like to know (share) the tips and know-how to carry out collaborative research smoothly, feel free to join us!
※Seminar will be conducted in English.
Date:2019/11/15(Fri) 15:30-17:00
Venue: Mid-Campus Open Laboratory Bldg.#1
Lecturer: Dr.Kimiko Kuroki , Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences , Dr.Atsuko Araki , Center for Environmental and Health Sciences
Click here for details↓
3.(Recruitment) Mentoring & Job Shadowing training for Female Reseachers
Now we are looking for participants for this training.
For example, you can do this through shadowing.
- Observing/attending the conferences, faculty meetings and so on that mentor attends.
- Laboratory management
- Discussion with students at mentor’s laboratory on various themes.
- Meeting on the collaborative research – Presentation practice of the doctoral dissertation
- Management of classes and seminars
- Mentee stays mentor’s office to observe self-management and communication in various situations
- One-on-One direct meeting (mentoring session)
Click here for details↓
We welcome prior counselling about finding mentor or planning training menus. If you need our help, please contact us at your earliest convenience.
mail: freshu@synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp
We are glad if you would distribute the information about FResHU e-mail news letter to your friends and colleagues.
★Application: http://goo.gl/forms/GWhJIZuXgg
☆Back numbers: https://freshu.ist.hokudai.ac.jp/en/category/freshu-info-log/
Thank you for your attention.
Support Office for Female Researchers in Hokkaido University(FResHU)
URL: https://freshu.ist.hokudai.ac.jp/
Email: freshu@synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp