
メインビジュアル画像 メインビジュアル画像

Provision of Temporary Childcare Support During the Common Test for University Admissions Period (Trial)

This support is part of the 2019 Science and Technology Human Resources Development Grant Program, “Diversity Research Environment Realization Initiative (Traction-type),” and is being provided to improve the research environment for balancing life events and research.
To prepare an environment where faculty and staff with children are able to demonstrate their abilities and play an active part when they participate on public holidays in the administration of the Common Test for University Admissions, by reducing their childcare duties.


Schedule 1st Round January 16th (Sat) and 17th (Sun), 2021
2nd Round January 30th (Sat) and 31st (Sun), 2021
Hours Any time between 7:00 – 19:00 (hours may change)
Eligibility Children below school age (older than 6 months) being raised by the university’s faculty and staff who will be administering the Common Test for University Admission on the above dates.
Fees Free of charge
Childcare Facility On Campus
Users may not choose which facility their children will be cared in .
(users may consult their choice of facility in the Hakodate campus)
Application Procedure Please submit the application form via email to the Promotion Office of Research Environment for Diversity in the Front Office for Human Resource Education and Development: reed@synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp
Application Deadline December 21st (Mon), 13:00
Others For childcare, there are conditions.
See the Information for Applicants and Users.
Contact Us Promotion office of Research environment for Diversity
Mail: reed[at]synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp
Tel: 011-706-3625

Be sure to check “Information for Applicants and Users” before you apply.


Information for Applicants and Users
Application(JP) *Documents must be written in Japanese as we give them to childcare provider.
Request to Parents