On 12th Der, we held a seminar "MeetUp for Global Networking".
In this seminar, two of the past winners and supportees of WinGS (Women in Global Science) Global Networking Award and SG-FResHU Support gave presentation of international research networkings and research collaborations.
The presenters were Dr. Masayo Soma(Department of Biology,Faculty of Science)who is the winner of WinGS Global Networking Awards of 2015 and Dr. Garcia Martin Fayna Maria(Faculty of Advanced Life Science)who was supported by SG-FResHU Support in 2016, and they shared their great experiences and tips of global networking.
In addition to talks on networking opprtunities and the stories of research collaboration development, they also gave us ideas on the minds and actoins to create and utilize their networks, which greatly inspired the participants of the seminar.
The discussions were very active and some participantrs kept talking afterr the seminar.

Presentation by Dr. Masayo Soma

Presentation by Dr. Garcia Martin Fayna Maria

Even after the discussion, the conversation does not run out!