北海道ダイバーシティ研究環境推進ネットワーク(KNIT)では、女性研究者の研究力、リーダーシップ・マネジメント力向上を目的とした標記のセミナーを開催いたします。講師はIRIS科学・技術経営研究所代表 Dr. Iris WIECZOREK (Dr. I. ヴィーツォレック)さんです。
Network to Develop Research Environment for Diversity in Hokkaido(KNIT) will hold a seminar to improve the research, leadership and management skills of female researchers. Dr. Iris WIECZOREK, President of IRIS Science Management Inc., will be the lecturer.
If you would like to attend this seminar, please read the seminar outline below and apply using the “Application Form”.
※The seminar will be held via Zoom, so please join from your own PC.
※The seminar will be held in English.
セミナー概要/Seminar Outline
セミナー名/Seminar Title | PIを目指す女性研究者のためのLeadership Development Training Program「Networking & Collaboration in Global Science」 / Leadership Development Training Program for Female Researchers Who Want to Become PIs “Networking & Collaboration in Global Science” |
日時/Date・Time | 2021年3月10日(水)/ March 10th, 2021 14:00~17:00 |
アジェンダ/Agenda | – Assessing the Status Quo – Global Science Today – Getting Involved in Global Research – Working with Diverse/ International Teams – Building Your Global Network – Presenting Yourself in an International Setting – Tools & Resources – Your Next Steps? |
対象/Targeted participants | 北海道大学及びKNIT共同機関に所属する女性研究者(PD含む) /Female researchers (including PDs) affiliated with Hokkaido University and KNIT Joint Organization |
定員/Capacity | 16 |
申込方法/How to apply | 申し込みは締め切りました。 参加される方には、後程ZoomのURLをお知らせするメールをお送りしますので、それまで少々お待ちください。よろしくお願いいたします。 We will be sending out an email with the Zoom URL to those who will be attending, so please wait until then. Thank you very much for your cooperation. |
締切/Application deadline | / |
開催方法/Held method | Online (Zoom) |
講師/Lecturer | Dr. Iris WIECZOREK IRIS Science Management Inc. |
使用言語/Language | English |
お問合せ先/Enquiries | 北海道大学人材育成本部ダイバーシティ研究環境推進室 /Promotion office of Research environment for Diversity, Front Office for Human Resource Education and Development, Hokkaido University TEL 011-706-3625 MAIL knit@synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp Knit website https://knit.synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp/ |
その他/Others |
お申込みについて/About Application
We will be sending out an email with the Zoom URL to those who will be attending, so please wait until then. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
講師のご紹介/About the Lecturer
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Established IRIS Science Management Inc. in Tokyo. She has over 25 years of Japan experience and a broad knowledge about the academic and scientific systems in Europe and Japan – both from the inside as a researcher and from the position of a funding agency. She has profound expertise in science management and many years of practical experience. Amongst others, she established the Japan Office of the German Research Foundation (DFG) in Tokyo. Her work is based on a broad and trustable network in the scientific(political) communities in Japan and Europe. She is member of various Japanese research policy commitees, and advisor to the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI), Cabinet Office Japan. Moreover, she published numerous scientific papers on comparative assessment of the Japanese research and innovation system. She studied Japanese and Chinese Studies, and Computer Science and holds a doctoral degree from the University of Hamburg, Germany.