Hello, today we will deliver useful information.
- Global Networking Seminar “MeetUp for Global Networking”(12/12)
- Notice of two seminars from I-Hop
- Accompanying Interpreting by FResHU supporters
- Toptal Scholarships for Women:Empowering Future Female Leaders to Change the World
1. Global Networking Seminar “MeetUp for Global Networking”(12/12)
We FResHU will hold a seminar to talk about the experience of Global Networking by the past winners of WinGS Global Networking Award and SG-FResHU Support which are the female researcher recognition commendation system of our university.
- How did you hold the first contact?
- How did you develop into collaborative research?
- How did you make arrangements and research progress manegement during that time?…etc.
They will be talking about knowledge gained from experience, issues and so on.
※Seminar will be conducted in English.
■Date: December 12th (Wed) 15:30~17:00
■Venue: Mid-Campus Open Laboratory Bldg.#1
■Program: CaseStudy 1 Dr.Masayo Soma, CaseStudy 2 Dr. Garcia Martin Fayna Maria, Discussion
Application form and other details
2. Notice of two seminars from I-Hop
Writing for Journal Submission – Manuscript and Cover Letter Preparation (11/28)
This Transferable Skills Seminar, “Writing for Journal Submission”, is intended primarily for young researchers who are submitting a paper to an international journal for the first time. However, as this seminar will also touch on fundamental “dos” and “don’ts” when writing a scientific manuscript, and will include tips for preparing your cover letter for submission, experienced researchers should also find it beneficial and informative.
■ Lecturer
Mr. Greg Adams / Managing Editor
FORTE Science Communications : Experts in Academic Papers
■ Seminar date : 11/28/2018 (wed) 16:30-18:00
Transferable Skills Seminar – Japanese Communication & Business Manner (12/6)
This four hour seminar in English contains both lecture and workshop. The lecture touches on difference between Japan and other countries of culture, value judgment, time sense, etc. as well as very popular and difficult-to-understand topic of ""Honne"" and ""Tatemae"". The workshop contains practicing of fundamental Japanese business manner including table manner which are all useful for your daily communication and some formal occasions.
■ Lecturer : Ms. Nana Mihama
■ Seminar date : 12/6/2018 (thu) 14:00-18:00
3. Accompanying Interpreting by FResHU supporters
Support Office dispatches accompanying interpreters (called FResHU supporters) to day-care centers/hoikuens and health centers for helping the child care for foreign researchers and international students.
If someone is in trouble with finding nursery school near you, please introduce this system to them.
There are some conditions to use this system.Please check this out for details.
Accompanying Interpreting by FResHU supporters
4. Toptal Scholarships for Women:Empowering Future Female Leaders to Change the World
Toptal started this program to award five scholarships during 2018-19 that will empower aspiring female leaders. The scholarship program is open to anyone with a passion for changing the future, and they welcome applicants from all majors and academic standings.
Each scholarship winner will receive a stipend as well as a year of mentorship and guidance from an expert in their field of interest.
Here are the scholarship guidelines:
We are glad if you would distribute the information about FResHU e-mail news letter to your friends and colleagues.
Application from here
Back numbers are here
Thank you for your attention.
Support Office for Female Researchers in Hokkaido University(FResHU)
URL: https://freshu.ist.hokudai.ac.jp/