Hello, this is the Promotion office of Research environment for Diversity (Ree-D). Thank you for always subscribing to our email newsletter!
We have three notices today.
1.Commemorative Lecture for the Enactment of the “Hokkaido University Declaration on the Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion”
2.Call for internal university opinions on “Diversity and Inclusion” at Hokkaido University
3.Greetings from the Sapporo International Communication Plaza
1.Commemorative Lecture for the Enactment of the “Hokkaido University Declaration on the Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion”
Hokkaido University is planning to establish the “Hokkaido University Diversity and Inclusion Promotion Declaration” in order to promote understanding among members of the university of the philosophy of “diversity and inclusion,” which is essential for a university that “contributes to the resolution of global issues” as well as the foundation of human society from the perspective of respect for human rights, and to communicate the university’s commitment to the international community.
To commemorate this event, we will hold a series of lectures on gender, sexuality, multiethnicity, and universal design, which are important themes for promoting diversity and inclusion in universities.
It will be held in Japanese, but you can watch it with English subtitles later.
2.Call for internal university opinions on “Diversity and Inclusion” at Hokkaido University
Opinions on the above lecture theme (or any other) are welcome!
In order to help promote diversity and inclusion in our university in the future, please feel free to fill in the form. We would like you to share your opinion or feeling on what you don’t feel good about (no matter how trivial they may seem) that you experience while spending time at the university.
Your opinions received and share them with relevant departments within the university. Even if it’s just a topic you can answer, we’d appreciate it.
For example…
Responses are anonymous. We look forward to your opinions.
3.Information from the Sapporo International Communication Plaza
(1) Online Tax Seminar for Foreign Residents on resident tax and income tax
Date/time: December 11 (Sat) 11:00-12:30
A certified public tax accountant explains about the Japanese resident tax (of Sapporo) and income tax that are imposed on people who have certain amount of income.
For more details, see: http://plaza-sapporo.or.jp/citizen_j/seminar/#seminar608
(2) Free Professional Consultation for Foreign Residents
Date/time: December 11 (Sat) 13:30-16:30
Foreign residents can consult with lawyers, administrative procedure specialists and tax accountants on topics such as resident status, legal issues, permanent residency, starting a business, taxes, pension, etc.
For more details, see: http://plaza-sapporo.or.jp/citizen_j/seminar/#seminar609
We are glad if you would distribute the information about Ree-D info-en e-mail news letter to your friends and colleagues.
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Thank you for your attention.
Promotion office of Research environment for Diversity(Ree-D)
★HP: https://www.dei.hokudai.ac.jp/en/
★E-mail: reed@synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp
★Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hokudai.reed