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“2017 WinGS Global Networking Award ceremony ceremony” was held

"2017 WinGS Global Networking Award ceremony ceremony" was held at Enlea Sou conference room on 6/10.
WinGS (Women in Global Science) The Global Networking Award (Global Networking Award) has been implemented since FY 2014 as the University is adopted as a research promotion project.We recognize excellent female teachers (associate professor or less (including special posts)) and assist the expenses for promoting international network formation as a prize.

In this fiscal year there were 6 entries, and as a result of the review by the Internal Study Committee, two recipients were decided. Award certificate was handed to the winner from Professor Miki Haseyama,Support Office for Female Researchers manager.

The winners are the following two.
Nataly Carolina Rosero Navarro, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering
Yuna Kim, Assistant Professor, Institute of Electronic Science

For the winners, travel expenses for participation in international conferences and networking will be aided.


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