Hello, today we will deliver useful information.
- Transferable Skills Seminar
- RIKEN Hakubi Fellows Program
1.Transferable Skills Seminar
Intercultural Communication Learn from the US diplomats
This transferable skills seminar is targeted for all students and faculty members.
Seminar will be conducted in English.
Among the vocations that would require intercultural communication skills, diplomats possess one of the most sophisticated and insightful attainments. I-HoP, together with Nitobe College, Nitobe School and the University Library, is honored to welcome two US diplomats who have been providing their relentless support for our activities in the campus as the guest speakers of this seminar. Mr. Harvey Beasley and Mr. Justin Tull, consuls of the US Consulate General Sapporo will successfully complete their term in Sapporo soon, and they will kindly share with us their experience and stories despite their tight schedule.
■ Lecturer
Mr. Harvey Beasley / Public Affairs Officer / U.S. Consulate General Sapporo
Mr. Justin Tull / Management Officer / U.S. Consulate General Sapporo
Moderator :
Ms. Michelle La Fay / Associate Professor / Hokkaido University
■ 主催
Front Office for Human Resource Education and Development, The University Library, Nitobe College, Nitobe School
Nitobe College student will earn a point
■ Place
Hokkaido University Central Library, Media Court
Please bring your student ID card with you.
■ Seminar date
5/30/2018 (wed) 15:00-16:30
■ Eligibility
Hokkaido University students, postdocs and faculty members
■ Application
5/9-5/30 12:00
■ Max participants
■ How to register
No registration required.
■ Inquiry
2.RIKEN Hakubi Fellows Program
From 2018, RIKEN offers up to one junior PI (Principal Investigator) position, a RIKEN Hakubi Fellow position, for an exceptionally talented female researcher for a maximum of 7 years in the framework of the Sechi Kato Program. The RIKEN Hakubi Fellow is expected to engage independently in creative and ambitious research in natural and mathematical sciences, including research areas bordering the humanities and social sciences. Proposals intended to resolve urgent issues that humankind faces today are also welcome
More details are below,
Thank you for your attention.
Support Office for Female Researchers in Hokkaido University(FResHU)
URL: https://freshu.ist.hokudai.ac.jp/
Email: freshu@synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp