Hello, today there are two notices.
- Lunchtime seminar “Work-life balance: How much recreational time is needed?”
- Sapporo Moms Meetup!
1. Lunchtime seminar “Work-life balance: How much recreational time is needed?”
How much time off work is necessary?
How do we recover during work through breaks and task changes?
How much can we work without harming our health?
How important is true recreational time not involving any work-related elements?
How important is vacation?…
This talk will present answers to these questions by reviewing empirical research from organizational
and work psychologists. A discussion about the applicability of the presented findings for Japanese
society is welcomed.
Date: February 18th(Mon)12:00-13:00
Venue: Front Office for Human Resources Education & Development conference room 1st Floor, Mid-Campus Open Laboratory Bldg.#1
Language: English
Speaker: Christina Sagioglou, PhD, Innsbruck University, Austria
Eligibility: Students, graduate students, researchers, staff belonging to our university.You can participate regardless of gender. No entry fee.
Deadline: February 14th(Thu)3pm
Free sandwich will be served. Please feel free to join us!
2. Sapporo Moms Meetup!
We will introduce announcements from Sapporo International Plaza.
Get to know other moms in the area & exchange ideas and information!Don’t worry about the language, interpreters will be there.Please join us and let’s have fun!
Date: February 8th(Fri)10:30-12:00
Venue:Horokita Kid’s Hall (Kita17-jo Nishi6-chome 1-20,Kita-ku)
We are glad if you would distribute the information about FResHU e-mail news letter to your friends and colleagues.
Application from here
Back numbers are here
Thank you for your attention.
Support Office for Female Researchers in Hokkaido University(FResHU)
URL: https://freshu.ist.hokudai.ac.jp/
Email: freshu@synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp