「英語プレゼンテーション練習会& ネットワーキング」は英文校閲の会社FORTEのネイティブ講師によるスキルアップセミナーです。
日 時 | 2018年2月15日(木) 12:00~13:00 ★11時頃~入れます。ランチ持参でご参加いただけます。 |
場 所 | 中央キャンパス総合研究棟1号館1階 会議室 |
発表者 | 萩原 茜 さん(理学部生殖発生生物学講座荻原研究室 学術研究員) |
Title | “GAP junction mediated cell communication plays important roles in medaka ovulation” |
対 象 | 本学の女性教員・研究者・大学院生 |
申 込 | こちらの申込フォーム より事前にお申込みください(2月9日17:00締め切り) |
お問合せ先 | 人材育成本部女性研究者支援室 内線:3625 ✉:freshu@synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp |
GAP junction mediated cell communication plays important roles in medaka ovulation
Ovulation is a dynamic process by which one or more viable oocytes are shed from mature ovarian follicles of the ovary in response to the surge of leuteinizing hormone (LH).
This process is accomplished by the coordinated actions of many proteins and enzymes, some of which are drastically induced by the gonadotropin.
Previous studies performed by our laboratory identified that LH-induced expression of MT2-MMP is indispensable for small fresh water teleost, medaka ovulation.
In present study, we focused on the role of GAP junction mediated cell communication in MT2-MMP induction.
In follicles incubated with GAP junction inhibitor, Carbenoxolone (CBX), MT2-MMP expression level was dramatically reduced.
Furthermore, we examined the expression of connexins which are transmembrane proteins that assemble GAP junction.