Hello, today we will deliver useful information.
- 3rd Recruitment of “Job Shadowing Training” for Female Researchers
- WinGS Career talk”Science and suitcases: a personal view of a 4-continent scientific career”
- MeetUp for Global Networking
- Writing for Journal Submission – Manuscript and Cover Letter Preparation –
1. 3rd Recruitment of “Job Shadowing Training” for Female Researchers
This program supports the “Job Shadowing Training” for female researchers who are highly motivated toward career advancement in academia.
The applicant is expected to “shadow” the female researcher of higher career level (hereinafter referred to as “mentor”) to gain experience and insight into the role of a certain level of researchers.
Examples of “Shadowing”
-Discussion with students at mentor’s laboratory on various themes.
- Meeting on the collaborative research
- Presentation practice of the doctoral dissertation
- One-on-One direct meeting (mentoring session) ..etc.
Application form and other details
Deadline is November 9th (Fri) .We are waiting for your application.
2. WinGS Career talk”Science and suitcases: a personal view of a 4-continent scientific career”
November 6 , We will hold an open seminar by Jennifer Mortimer, a researcher invited by SG-FResHU at the Support Office for Female Researchers.
After experiencing postdoctoral fellowship at Cambridge University in the UK (BS in Australia), she moved to RIKEN in Japan and then as a group leader at the Bioenergy Research Institute (JBEI) under the jurisdiction of the US Department of Energy.
She talks about the career development of young female researchers based on experience accumulating careers around the world.
Date: November 6th (Tue) 15:00~17:00
Venue: Faculty of Engineering Material Science Building (MC208)
Lecturer : Jennifer Mortimer
More Information
3. MeetUp for Global Networking
FResHU supports the international and interdisciplinary research collaboration to strengthen women’s career advance.
We will hold a seminar to talk about the experience of Global Networking to the past winners of WinGS Global Networking Award and SG – FResHU Support.
If you are plannning to start collaborative research , or if you would like to know (share) the tips and kyow-how to carry out collaborative research smoothly, feel free to join us!
Date: December 12th (Wed) 15:30~17:00
Venue: Mid-Campus Open Laboratory Bldg.#1
Program: CaseStudy 1 Dr.Masayo Soma, CaseStudy 2 Dr. Garcia Martin Fayna Maria, Discussion
Capacity: 25 people
Application form and other details
4. Writing for Journal Submission – Manuscript and Cover Letter Preparation –
This Transferable Skills Seminar, “Writing for Journal Submission”, is intended primarily for young researchers who are submitting a paper to an international journal for the first time.
Date:11/28/2018 (wed) 16:30-18:00
Venue:Frontier Research in Applied Sciences Building
We are glad if you would distribute the information about FResHU e-mail news letter to your friends and colleagues.
Application from here
Back numbers are here
Thank you for your attention.
Support Office for Female Researchers in Hokkaido University(FResHU)
URL: https://freshu.ist.hokudai.ac.jp/
Email: freshu@synfoster.hokudai.ac.jp