Main topic
オーストリア インスブルック大学の組織心理学者Christina Sagioglou博士に、いきいきと働くためのワークライフバランスに関する様々な研究データを紹介していただきます。
- How much time off work is necessary?
- How do we recover during work through breaks and task changes?
- How much can we work without harming our health?
- How important is true recreational time not involving any work-related elements?
- How important is vacation?
The present talk will present answers to these questions by reviewing mostly European and North American empirical research from organizational and work psychologists. Although many of the findings apply to most types of employment, there will be an additional focus on factors relating to the work-life balance of researchers. The structure and content of the talk is based on a chapter in a book recently published by a leading professor for work psychology at the presenter’s university (Jürgen Glaser, University of Innsbruck). A discussion about the applicability of the presented findings for Japanese society is welcomed.
After her diploma in psychology at the University of Cologne in 2010, Christina Sagioglou worked as a junior researcher at New York University and Hamburg University investigating how positive thinking affects our motivation. In 2012, she started her PhD in social psychology at the University of Innsbruck, which she completed in 2015 on the antecedents and consequences of interpersonal hostility. Since then, she has been doing her post-doc in Innsbruck on the psychological effects of phenomena related to social status such as relative deprivation and on antisocial personality traits, such as everyday sadism and subclinical psychopathy. Recently, she spent 6 months at Hokkaido University, where she started to collaborate with Masaki Yuki on cultural differences in the need to belong and with Carola Hommerich on a project investigating relative deprivation and well-being in an intercultural context. Her most research work in progress investigates the novel personality trait "benign masochism“ – the uniquely human characteristic of being able to gain pleasure through inherently negative experiences such as pain, sad novels or spicy food.
日 時 | 2019/2/18(月)12:00-13:00 |
場 所 | 札幌市北区北12条西7丁目 北海道大学中央キャンパス総合研究棟1号館1階 会議室 |
言 語 | 英語 |
対 象 | 本学に所属する学生、大学院生、研究者、職員。性別を問わず参加できます 参加費無料 |
定員 | 20名 |
締 切 | 2019/2/14(木)15時(定員に達したら締め切ります) |