Application Guideline for “Job Shadowing Training” for Female Researchers
This program supports the “Job Shadowing Training” for female researchers who are highly motivated toward career advancement in academia. The applicant (hereinafter referred to as "mentee") is expected to "shadow" the female researcher of higher career level (hereinafter referred to as "mentor") to gain experience and insight into the role of a certain level of researchers. Through this training program, we aim to broaden the participation of female researchers in PI position and university management.
About Shadowing
Shadowing is the training program where the mentee can accompany and observe your mentor’s daily work and see her communication and decision making of various levels to know the skills and cord of conduct of higher position.
Expected effects of the training
- Communication skills with the colleagues and students and various university staffs.
- Knowledge and skills about management works at university.
- Reality of launching, promoting and advancement of collaborative research.
- Examples of research and project management
- Self-management of female researcher in higher position
Also, mentee can expand your network through your mentor.
Examples of “Shadowing”
- Observing/attending the conferences, faculty meetings and so on that mentor attends.
- Discussion with students at mentor’s laboratory on various themes.
- Meeting on the collaborative research
- Presentation practice of the doctoral dissertation
- Lectures to the graduate student (Mentee provides lecture)
- Mentee stays mentor’s office and observes daily communication.
- One-on-One direct meeting (mentoring session)
Requirements for the training plan and eligibility
The program is composed of three stages,
- Preparation of training plan
- Execution of the training
- Report of the training effects
A.In the case that the desired mentor belongs Hokkaido University,
[I]Light plan
Eligibility : Women assistant professors, lecturers, and associate professors at Hokkaido Univ.,including specially appointed faculty members.
Contents : Shadowing for more than 1 hour, or One-on-One direct meeting (mentoring session) for more than 1hour, totaling more than 2 hours. If you exceed 6 hours of training in total, we recommend you to take the “regular plan”.
[II]Regular plan
Eligibility: Women lecturers, and associate professors at Hokkaido Univ., including speciallyappointed faculty members.
Introduction…Discuss and examine the contents and the process of the training with yourmentor before starting shadowing.
Training…After “introduction” process, conduct shadowing of 2 hours or more and One-on-One direct meeting (mentoring session) of 1 hour or more, more than 3 times each. Shadowing and mentoring session can go on the same day. Complete all trainings within 3 months to obtain high effect.
B.In the case that the desired mentor is a researcher belonging to other Japanese institutes
Eligibility:Women lecturers, and associate professors at Hokkaido Univ., including speciallyappointed faculty members.
Contents:Conduct at least 3 days of shadowing of 2 hours or more per day, and One-on-One direct meeting (mentoring session) of 2 hours or more in total.
*One-on-One direct meeting (mentoring session); discuss with mentor on the themes of theshadowing training to deepen your learnings.
Contents of support
A.In the case that the desired mentor belongs Hokkaido University,
- Provide mentor list
- Allocate mentoring research expenses (50,000 yen) to the mentor of regular plan.
B.In the case that the desired mentor is a researcher belonging to other Japanese institutes
- Honorarium to the mentor; 50,000 yen (maximum)
- Travel expenses of the mentee; 100,000 yen(maximum)
The applicant is required to obtain internal consent to the mentor in advance. FResHU staff will support your communication and negotiation with your desired mentor as necessary. If you need our support, please contact us at your earliest convenient.
Switching of the plans
When the mentee who had completed the light plan continuously applies to the regular plan for the same mentor, "introduction" process can be omitted. If you won’t step to the “shadowing training” process after "introduction" of the regular plan, please report the training effect in the same way as the light plan.
Light plan:Associate professor, Professor
Regular plan:Professor (or equivalent), Officer, Executive
*Mentors are not limited to women.
The number of applicants to be adopted
A.Training under the mentor at Hokkaido Univ, a few
B.Training under the mentor at other institutes in Japan. 3
Possible training period
Within a week from September 15th, 2018 to February 28th, 2019
How to apply
Please fill in the application form and send it to FResHU Office ( ) by e-mail by August 31st (Fri) 2018.
Application form
Use designated Application form
Prior Consulting
We welcome prior counselling about finding mentor or planning training menus. If you need our help, please contact us at your earliest convenience.
The successful applicants will be selected by the review in FResHU. We may request an additional document or an interview during the selection process.
Main evaluation criteria
- Interest and motivation to the career advancement in academia.
- Clarity of purpose and appropriateness of the contents of training.
Report of the result of training
The successful applicants are to submit a report to FResHU within a month after the training finished. There is a possibility that the successful applicants will present the results of training at a certain seminar which FResHU will organize to share the results among female researchers of Hokkaido Univ.
The successful applicants for the training under the mentor outside university would be asked to sign the pledge of confidentiality.