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WinGS Career talk「Science and suitcases: a personal view of a 4-continent scientific career」のお知らせ

11月6日(火)、女性研究者支援室で行っているSG-FResHU Supportにより招聘した研究者、Jennifer Mortimer氏による学内公開セミナーが開催されます。

Date 2018/11/6(Tue) 15:00-17:00
Venue Faculty of Engineering Material Science Building/工学部材料科学棟(MC208)
Lecturer Jennifer Mortimer (Director Plant Systems Biology
Deputy Vice President of Feedstocks Division,
Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI)
Staff Scientist
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Program ①15:00-15:50
Careers talk: Science and suitcases: a personal view of a 4-continent scientific career

Research talk: Plant sphingolipid glycosylation, and its role in plant-microbe interactions and cell wall biosynthesis.

This seminar is approved of the “Topical Lectures in Chemical Sciences and Engineering”(for MC students) and the “Research in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II”(for DC students) under the Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering.